The Cabin in the Woods Beastiary Part 2 – The Zombie

Co-writers Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard’s horror-comedy hit The Cabin in the Woods hits DVD and Blu-ray on September 18. Sure, the razor-sharp wit of the writing team was the driving force behind this film, but the army of monsters they unleashed made a great side dish.
And although we’d love to break down every single beastie on that whiteboard for you, in the interest of time, we’ve picked out five of our favorites to whet your appetite for The Cabin in the Woods. Today’s entrĂ©e is everyone’s current darling: the zombie.

Related Story: The Cabin in the Woods Beastiary Part 1 – The Werewolf
It wasn’t long ago that vampires were the big shots of mainstream horror. Led by packs of vamps like the Twilight crew and “True Blood” bloodsuckers, vampires were everywhere. Then something happened, and it may very well have had something to do with a zombie outbreak in Atlanta. “The Walking Dead” certainly didn’t create zombies, but it sure as hell helped to make them chic. “The Walking Dead” seemed to come at the perfect time, as across the country people had been staging zombie walks and all kinds of zombie-themed events for a while. The popularity of “The Walking Dead” just helped to up our shambling hordes over the top in popularity. It was the perfect storm of undeadness, and suddenly mainstream society embraced zombies.
Of course, we cannot even think to have an article on zombies without mentioning the man who basically created the zombie as we know it today, the incomparable George A. Romero. After being inspired by Richard Matheson’s book I Am Legend, which is actually about vampires, Romero crafted his creature into what would become known as today’s modern zombie (although in Romero’s Night of the Living Dead, the term “zombie” is never used; rather, the creatures are referred to as ghouls).
Far from their humble beginnings around that rural farmhouse in Pennsylvania, the zombie has become a piece of modern culture. From the aforementioned television hit “The Walking Dead” to any number of films, books, comics, novelties and whatever else you can imagine, zombies are everywhere. The epidemic is truly upon us. And by all means, keep an eye out for the shuffling undead in The Cabin in the Woods; they are right in the center of one of the best laugh out loud moments in the film.

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