Paul W.S. Anderson Looking to Leave His Bloody Mark on a New Capcom Franchise – Monster Hunter!

Punch Drunk Critics
Are you a fan of the Capcom video game series Monster Hunter? If so, you better be quaking in your boots as the man of a million Resident Evil movies could be turning his attention to another monster-filled franchise.
According to Punch Drunk Critics, who translated an interview with Anderson from the Japanese website Cinema Today, Anderson revealed he wants to stick with Capcom and bring their Monster Hunter games to the big screen. The company has justifiably put all their faith in Anderson to do pretty much whatever he wants, and the director admitted to falling in love with the action RPG games. The project is now in the planning stages of development.
YES! Please, for the love of all that is holy, move away from the Resident Evil franchise! We know there’s at least one more coming, but still! This will give someone else a chance to reboot that franchise as Anderson will undoubtedly be arming Milla with bows, arrows, and axes in Monster Hunter!
Monster Hunter began on the PlayStation 2 back in 2004, and as the title suggests, it follows a newbie hunter who must complete quests given to him by a village elder. These tasks mainly include tracking and hunting specific creatures with the goal sometimes to kill and other times just to capture. The game has been spun into a media empire all its own with numerous sequels, anime films, and manga.

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