Guest Blog: Artist Juan Ferreyra Describes the Making of the Cover of Colder

Colder, from the creative team of writer Paul Tobin and artist Juan Ferreyra, is being released by Dark Horse Comics on November 7th, and Ferreyra put together this guest blog for us describing his process of designing the cover.
To begin, Ferreyra explains: “This is the first cover I did for Issue #1, but we thought it wasn’t striking enough so I did a sketch where I tried to represent the idea of Colder trying to access his own mind by touching his brain in order to see if he could cure himself (the character can cure other people’s madness).”

Ferreyra then tried a few alternatives: “I also tried different approaches to the same idea, one where Colder’s nemesis, Nimble Jack, would be performing the same task and another where Nimble would be doing it to himself.”

In the end, though, he concludes: “We decided to stick with just Colder picking his own brain so I started to do a big version of him so then I could crop and twist the image however I wanted.
I did a loose pencil version, then a more detailed and tight pencil version, and finally I scanned the image and gave it some colors with Photoshop. I also twisted the image a bit to make it more dynamic.”

Our thanks to Juan for this cool behind-the-scenes look at his creative process. Check out Colder‘s synopsis below, and click here to pre-order your copy of Issue #1 from TFAW.
Declan Thomas’s body temperature is dropping. He checks it every day, and it’s dropped from 98.6 to a current average in the high fifties. He never gets sick, never feels pain. He’s just an ex-inmate of an insane asylum that began operation in the 1890s, specializing in those poor souls deemed too dangerous for society. As to when Declan himself was admitted, the records were destroyed in a fire. His nurse has found references to him that go as far back as the 1940s… which is odd since he doesn’t look a day over thirty.
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