Mercy Shown for Intrepid


We could expect to see Mercy sometime in the future if the gears keep rolling over at Intrepid Pictures/Rogue Pictures. According to Variety a script written by Carolyn Townsend and Eddie Hartman has been picked up by the film production and co-financing company’s Katherine Brown.

While the details are minimal at best, there’s enough here to guess that it is probably going to be your typical slasher, but you never know … There may be gold in them there slasher hills still!

It seems that a young college student is a little too nosy for her own good when she sets out to uncover the truth behind the urban legend known as the “Mercy Killer.” What’s the villain’s signature? He/she crafts the killings to appear as suicides. That sure leaves plenty of room for creative kills. Let’s keep our fingers crossed! Our young heroine may have found the killer to be real, but did she expect to be next on the hit list?

We’ll bring you more details on this project as they pop up.

Kryten Syxx

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