Wicker Man Catch Up


The Wicker Man (click to see it bigger!)I know we’ve been remiss in really chatting up Neil LaBute’s remake of the Robin Hardy classic The Wicker Man, and I have no excuse other than laziness for that. So I’m going to make it up to you!

First off, the folks at Moviebox have a big and sexy list of seven clips from the film that you can check out right here so you’ll know what you’re in for when it opens this Friday. Yahoo! Movies just posted a batch of clips as well (click here for those), and I suspect there will be some duplicates between ‘em.

Meanwhile, stars Nicolas Cage and Kate Beahan talked to Coming Soon about the movie recently, and during the conversation Nic revealed how he first heard of the original 1973 film: “I watched it with Johnny Ramone and discovered it through him,” Cage explained. “It left me with this profound feeling. I was very disturbed by it, and I thought any movie that could do that should be reinvestigated and reintroduced because many of us here don’t know about The Wicker Man. There’s a core group of fans in England that are very passionate about it, but I thought it deserved to be reinterpreted.”

I don’t know about you, but if I were to set out to remake a film first shown to me by a punk rock god, I’d be damn sure to do a good job of it. Hopefully Nic feels the same way and made sure to keep the ghost of Johnny happy. Click here for the rest of the interview, and be sure to hit theaters this weekend to check out The Wicker Man!

Johnny Butane

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