Trailer: Big Ass Bugs Invade Los Angeles in Schlocky CICADA (Now on DVD & Streaming)
Giant Asian Murder Hornets are, like, so yesterday’s news. Today, it’s all about the mighty Cicada! See what happens when big ass bugs invade Los Angeles in this B-movie schlockfest, now on VOD and DVD via Wild Eye Releasing! Give the trailer and synopsis a look-see below.
Related Article: Forget Murder Hornets–“Zombie Cicadas” Invade West Virginia
After an environmental disaster, four eccentric friends led by a disgraced baseball player must band together to defend Los Angeles from a swarm of bloodthirsty cicadas.
Cicada is written and directed by David Willis; the film stars David Aguilera, Nathan Alexander, and Andrew Amicangelo.
What do you think of the trailer and synopsis for Cicada? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.