Sarah Michelle Gets Addicted


Sarah Michelle Gellar returns to horror in The AddictedStories like this really make me wonder; is Sarah Michelle Gellar actually a fan of our genre, or does she do these films because it’s easy work? Obviously I’d like to think it’s the former, but that old jaded Hollywood producer in me knows it’s more likely the latter. Don’t ask how or why I have an old Hollywood producer in me; you don’t want to know.

Anyway, Variety reports this morning that Gellar has signed on to topline the “supernatural thriller” Addicted, loosely based around 2002’s South Korean entry, Jungdok, a film I’ve blissfully never heard of. Gellar will play a woman whose husband and brother-in-law are in a coma after a near-fatal accident. When the brother-in-law wakes up, he insists that he is truly her husband, and things get complicated. So is it a supernatural thriller or a body-swapping comedy ala Vice Versa? I guess time will tell.

Joel Bergvall and Simon Sandquist, who have impressed international audiences with their sophomore collaboration, The Invisible (currently being remade by David Goyer), will helm Addicted for Vertigo and Spitfire films. Gellar will next be seen on the big screen in Rogue Pictures’ The Return, due out in November.

Johnny Butane

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