Nedeljakova, Barbara (Post Hostel) Audio Interview


Let’s face it. Men? Most of us can be blinded by beauty. A hot chick can make most of us do just about anything. Especially a hot chick with an accent.

Eli Roth’s Hostel introuduced to one such babe, Barbara Nedeljakova. I love saying her name.

Ned-Del-Ja-kova! Try it! It’s fun!

Recently I had a chance to catch up with her and see what’s been shaking in her life since.

Welcome to another Dread Central Audio Interview.

Barbara Nedeljakova

Click here to listen in on the shenanigans in MP3 format.

“Killer”, the official Dread Central theme was composed and performed by Dead House Music: The NEW voice of horror. Be sure to visit them online at their official site.

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