SOTA’s Now Playing Meets DC!

So how’s this for a showcase of our coolness? Sorry, that sounded bad; allow me to try again… Damn we rock! Sorry, no, that’s no good either. Oh! I got it!
We at Dread Central humbly present to you the following look at the back of the card for SOTA Toys’ Now Playing, Series 3 (hitting stores in late September), with a little something special added in. As you can see when you click on the images to make ’em bigger (gotta love technology), we managed to get our extremely badass logo (that’s not boasting, we didn’t design it!) on the back of the entire series, including the horrifically cool The Thing box set!
How’d we do it? A combination of voodoo and human sacrifice that you really don’t want to know too much about. Suffice it to say Creepy had a lot of cleaning up to do, but when the job was done we were in with SOTA! And this is only the beginning; look for a HUGE contest for their Now Playing line starting next week! For now, pre-order Now Playing, Series 3 (Dog Soldiers‘ werewolf, Baron Vladmir Harkonnen from David Lynch’s Dune, and Meg Mucklebones from Legend) through Evilshop by clicking here, and The Thing box set by clicking here!
Wish you were this cool, er, humble, in our forums!