Messengers Poster, Re-shoot Results


Right around the time we revealed to you that The Grudge 2 was getting ready to undergo re-shoots in Chicago, the word came down that another Ghost House pic, The Messengers, was going back in front of cameras as well, though not under the direction of its original helmers, The Pang Brothers.

We’re not sure who it was that directed the new footage or if it was done with the consent of the Brothers, who were likely too busy in their native Hong Kong to come back to the U.S. for re-shoots, but apparently Raimi and crew are very happy with the finished results according to Kung Fu Cult Cinema. Good news for the cast and crew, who I’m sure are happy it’s all over with now.

So now we just have to wait for February 2nd, 2007, the date Sony will be releasing The Messengers, to see if it was worth the wait. Make sure you hit the film’s official site for more info and to check out the first of many webisodes revolving around the making of the film. Oh, and dig the poster art on the right there; pretty creepy!

Johnny Butane

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