Ed Lee’s Bighead: The Movie?


Ed Lee's The BigheadI’m not sure how close to becoming a reality it actually is, but we just got a heads-up from long-time reader Markus that Edward Lee just semi-officially announced over on the boards for Horror World that a movie based on his novel The Bighead is being worked on.

For me, that’s not a big deal as I’ve never had the chance to read it. For those who have, however, it’s likely very surprising as the book’s been called the most unfilmable piece of literature known to man by fans for years. Actually, I’m not sure if they’ve called it that exactly, but you get the idea.

The story follows a monster who is unleashed on the world unexpectedly when its grandfather dies and all the horrific and depraved interactions it has with humans in an attempt to find some meaning to its life. It’s also been called one of the grossest novels ever written, so I know I for one am curious to see how and if it turns out. Click here to get the book through Evilshop so you can be one step ahead of the rest of us!

Johnny Butane

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