Producer Still Wants Hard R CONSTANTINE 2 With Keanu Reeves

We’ve already passed along word that Constantine director Francis Lawrence wants to reteam with Keanu Reeves for Constantine 2.

And producer Akiva Goldsman (I Am Legend, The Dark Tower) recently doubled-down on that statement during a Comic-Con@home panel.

He says: “Yes. Oh my god yes. It endlessly came up. Boy, we wanted to. We wanted to make a hard R sequel. We wanted to. Oh god yeah. I think we would probably make it tomorrow. Yes, we tried a lot of different ways… To the studios who made it … it was always a little bit of a feathered fish. Its oddness… It’s odd, right? It’s not really action-packed. It just has a bunch of action. This movie isn’t exactly a thing, it’s a few things, which is what I think is beautiful about it. But those seem to get harder and harder to make… We’ve talked about it, and we’ve had ideas. I would love it if he wakes up in a cell, and he has to identify the prisoner…and it was Jesus…Yeah. We talked about a sequel.”

Check out the full video below.

Lawrence adds: “We definitely talked about sequels more than the studios because the movie did fairly well. And this was also still a time when people sold DVDs. So I think it did decently at the time. But, it wasn’t a knockout success., and it also wasn’t really sort of critically acclaimed by any means at the time. The kind of cool thing about this movie is, in the 15 years since it released, every time I do a movie and I go out and travel the world and do junkets, I am signing Constantine DVDs more than any other movie that I’ve done. Over the years, in different countries, people really love this movie. I think that it’s found a new life.”

Are you up for Constantine 2? Let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!



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