Haeckel’s Artwork
Why the decision was made to ditch the snazzy original and much cooler Masters of Horror DVD artwork for the horridly generic direct-to-video style look (complete with a close-up of the main character looking ever so pensive) is anyone’s guess.
Considering “Haeckel’s Tale” (review) is arguably one of the best episodes of the series, you can file this cover under . . . uber-disappointing. I mean, c’mon! We’ve got zombies screwing hot chicks in cemeteries! There was no better image they could come up with? Talk about a missed opportunity.
In any event, here’s a look at the cover of the upcoming release of John McNaughton’s “Haeckel’s Tale.” As always, click on the image for a better look, but don’t blame us if you think it’s even uglier that way.
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