Video: COVID-19 Turning Rats into Aggressive Cannibals

Vermin in major US cities lived like kings, as the infamous “Pizza Rat” video proved back in 2015. But things are different in the age of Coronavirus, where many urban rats who subside on human waste from restaurants are suddenly starving. The phenomenon has resulted in “unusual” and “aggressive” behavior in rats–including cannibalism.
The CDC reports:
“Community-wide closures have led to a decrease in food available to rodents, especially in dense commercial areas. Some jurisdictions have reported an increase in rodent activity as rodents search for new sources of food. Environmental health and rodent control programs may see an increase in service requests related to rodents and reports of unusual or aggressive rodent behavior.”
Related Article: Video: Goat-pocalypse?!! 100s of Goats Invade Suburban Neighborhood
Examples of unusual rodent behavior were recently recorded on Burbon Street in New Orleans. Check out some video footage below.
Well, at least they aren’t Murder Hornets!
What do you think of the CDC report that urban rats are becoming aggressive and canibalistic in the age of COVID-19? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.
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