Horror Short INSTANT DOCTOR Imagines Healthcare Without Humanity

There’s a new horror/sci-fi short film that’s making the rounds online, and it has an important message that’s especially relevant during the current global pandemic. Instant Doctor imagines a world where the human side of healthcare has been eliminated. Give it a spin below.

The film’s creators have released a commentary track with Diogo Gameiro, the director of Instant Doctor. In it, Diogo reveals everything from why he chose certain colors in certain places to how the film was made just before COVID-19 shut down all filming. You can view Instant Doctor with the commentary tack below.

Instant Doctor won the Ciclope Latino 2020 Award for writing and has been declared an official selection at the New York International Film Awards. The director, Diogo Gamiero, has a background making commercials for major companies such as Ford, Volkswagen, Discovery Channel, and Fiat.

What do you think of Instant Doctor? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.



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