Fox Seeking Talisman?

Well, this is nowhere near a solid fact; hell, I would hesitate to even call it a rumor, but whenever we can make mention of an adaptation of The Talisman again, I’ll take the chance.
Cinescape got word from one of its scoopers that Michael J. Fox brought up the fact that he may have a role in The Talisman, which Steven Spielberg is executive producing, during a recent Hollywood meeting. Though the scooper for Cinescape claims to have never heard of the story (poor, poor scooper), he does say that the plot follows a man trying to save his mother by acquiring a Talisman, which is the most basic gist of the plot of the King/Straub novel, so I think we’re all on the same page here.
So what role would Fox play? That’s a good question; glad you asked. Though I obviously can’t see him as the lead, since the lead is supposed to be nothing more than a boy, I’m sure there’s a role in The Territories (assuming they’re not going with Ehren Kruger’s script, which supposedly more or less eliminates them from the story) for the actor.
Like I said, it’s all very “he said this to this guy and this guy told me” right now, but it’s something to keep us talking about the project and its potential, and maybe that’s all Hollywood needs to see to move forward on it.
Theorize on a possible Talisman movie in our forums!