Exclusive Comic Trailer Premiere: Joe Hill’s BASKETFUL OF HEADS

DC teamed up with best-selling author Joe Hill (NOS4A2Locke & Key) to present Hill House Comics, a new pop-up line of horror comic books. DC’s long-standing tradition of publishing thought-provoking and riveting horror from House of Mystery to classic Sandman continues with this new line featuring five original limited series meant to chill the bones and summon nightmares with smart, subversive narratives and haunting, heart-stopping visuals. And it all begins today (October 30th) with Basketful of Heads.

Today, Dread Central is thrilled to exclusively premiere the trailer for Basketfiul of Heads, embedded at the top of the article. Give it a spin!

In each Hill House Comics series (including Basketful of Heads), a backup story titled “Sea Dogs,” written by Hill and featuring lycanthropes terrorizing a crew of sailors at sea, will run in the back of every issue from the line.

The rain lashes the grassy dunes of Brody Island, and seagulls scream above the bay. A slender figure in a raincoat carries a large wicker basket, which looks like it might be full of melons…covered by a bloodstained scrap of the American flag. This is the story of June Branch, a young woman trapped with four cunning criminals who have snatched her boyfriend for deranged reasons of their own. Now she must fight for her life with the help of an impossible 8th-century Viking axe that can pass through a man’s neck in a single swipe—and leave the severed head still conscious and capable of supernatural speech. Each disembodied head has a malevolent story of its own to tell, and it isn’t long before June finds herself in a desperate struggle to hack through their lies and manipulations…racing to save the man.

Check out an image gallery below.

Hill House Comics will be released under DC Black Label, as they are intended for mature audiences. For more information on Hill House Comics, follow dccomics.com.

What do you think of the trailer, synopsis, and images for Basketful of Heads? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.



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