Exclusive Clip from DREAD’s Violent Southern/Rural Gothic ARTIK

For our monthly 31-Day horror challenge, we’ve dubbed October “GOTH-tober” and will be recommending a new Gothic genre flick every day. A great example of American/Southern/Rural Gothic is one of DREAD’s latest releases: Artik! It’s currently available to stream and on Blu-ray, and it’ll be our featured film on October 17th.

Related Article: GOTH-TOBER: A Gothic-Themed #MonthOfDread

Today, however, we’re thrilled to share a new, exclusive clip from Artik, embedded at the top of the article. Give it a spin, then check out the film’s trailer and synopsis below.

A comic book obsessed serial killer teaches his son how to get away with a series of brutal murders until the boy befriends a mysterious man who threatens to expose everything.

Artik is directed by Tom Botchii Skowronski and stars Chase Williamson, Jerry G. Angelo, and Lauren Ashley Carter.

Related Article: Interview: ARTIK Writer/Director Tom Botchii & Star Chase Williamson Talk Torture & Breaking Cycles

What do you think of our exclusive clip from Artik? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.



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