DMX Develops Lockjaw


DMX readiers LockjawHey, it worked for Ice Cube in Anaconda, so why not for DMX? The rapper-turned-actor (Exit Wounds, Never Die Alone, Cradle 2 the Grave) has recently wrapped production of a killer serpent flick entitled Lockjaw: Rise of the Kulev Serpent. DMX has worked with Steven Seagal so he should be used to working with ill-tempered creatures.

The plot goes a little something like this:

“Using Voodoo, an ancient African priest creates an indestructible evil drawing tool to be used for revenge. The Kulev Stick is rediscovered by a boy in modern day America, and it conjures a giant serpent that kills his abusive dad. Terrified, the child buries it and the monster hibernates in a sugar cane field nearby.

20 years later, the cursed instrument is dug up by his wife, who is accidentally killed by college teens vacationing in their small rural farming town. Vengeful, he again draws the monster, which awakens and starts killing them off one by one. Now the only thing that stands in its way is Army special ops vet and master hunter Nick Kirabo who has been waiting for “Lockjaw” to return.”

Spotlight Pictures will be handling the distribution for Lockjaw: Rise of the Kulev Serpent at this year’s American Film Market, so don’t be surprised if more details and maybe even a trailer will turn up sometime around November.

And is it just me or does the preliminary artwork they’ve concocted look like they took images from the box art of about three different other direct-to-DVD movies currently lining store shelves, plus the Tri-Star Godzilla font for the logo? No doubt better artwork will also be appearing online soon too.

Special thanks to “The Gomorrahizer” from the message board for giving me the head’s up on this one.

The Foywonder

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