Mad Scientists Abound in Curio

Brain Blast Games
The iPhone is really turning out to be one helluva viable gaming platform, and honestly? We never saw that coming. Still, games are being released by the dozens, and this latest one that caught our attention has us really curious!
From the Press Release
The mad scientists at BrainBlast Games are proud to announce Curio exclusively for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Curio is available on the iTunes ®App Store for $0.99.
“Curio offers a huge amount of addictive and challenging gameplay for an affordable cost. We also put a big emphasis on design and enlisted a talented artist to create a unique set of characters that don’t look like much of anything else out there in the iOS game world,” said Victor Radar, co-founder of BrainBlast Games.
Curio tells the story of Ron Templeton III. The game begins deep within the confines of an asylum for the criminally insane. Ron barely manages to escape a lobotomy, and now he’s on the run. Along the way Ron will come face-to-face with insane inmates as well as having to confront his own personal demons.
“We wanted to create a unique spin on the modern side-scroller and feel we’ve really accomplished that here with Curio,” said Rube Rubenstein, co-founder of BrainBlast Games.
Curio is a 2D side-scrolling adventure game filled with mood altering gameplay and a storyline that evolves as you progress.
Players will guide Ron through his odyssey, collecting pills, dodging enemy attacks and doing anything it takes to maintain sanity. Mini-games and bonus materials include back story information about Ron Templeton III narrated by actor Robert Forster, best known for his Academy Award nominated role in Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie Brown.
Don’t let Ron miss any of his scheduled meds… or you might go insane, too.

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