First WTF of 2012! Day of the Dead Remake Being Released on Blu-ray in 3D

In 2008 Steve Miner proved to the film masses that he is a rapidly aging and completely out of touch with today’s pop culture white guy with his laughable remake of George A. Romero’s classic Day of the Dead (review here) (and Day of the Dead Blu-ray review here). Now, years after its initial release, the film is coming back to Blu-ray…in 3D. Why? Just why? Who asked for this?
In this flick the creatures on loan from Cirque du Zom-bie™ fall victim to InstaRot™ and things get progressively more silly with each minute that passes. These zombies not only run, but they also possess the ability to leap, flip, and even crawl around on walls and ceilings. I shit you not. On top of that they also move in hyper-speed. In what could quite possibly be the silliest technical decision in horror movie history, the camera is sped up almost every time one of the dead things is on screen to near Benny Hill type speeds and proportions. It couldn’t possibly get worse, could it? Yes! In addition to being on permanent fast-forward, our creatures’ heads explode whenever they touch fire. Um … what?!? I just don’t know, man. I just don’t know.
Just think! Now you can witness all of this stupidity while Nick Cannon stereotypically gives his most embarrassing “I’m an Afro-American with a spear” career performance in high definition 3D! We are SO there! No special features have been announced. but you can dig on the artwork below.
Look for the flick in stores on February 7th, 2012. Or don’t – you’ll be better off!

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