Dare You Open Death’s Door?


Death's Door! (click to see it bigger)A few weeks back we showed you the first trailer for the indie horror film Death’s Door (“Death’s Door Trailer!” – August 2007) and at the time I commented that it sure didn’t look like an indie film.

Apparently others have made similar comments, so Creative Spark Productions, the company behind Death’s Door, sent out a press release today with notes from the film’s producer/writer Alex Kier about how the project came to be and where it’s going.

”We conceived of the idea for Death’s Door and got a green light in late September of 2004; we finished principal photography 11 weeks later.” he recounts, ”During that time, we wrote the script in three weeks, had a harried pre-production, and shot the film in 12 days. Shooting low budget forced us to be creative in solving problems.” Now that is what I call a fast turnaround! So why’d it take so long to finally meet with the public eye?

Death's Door! (click to see it bigger)“It was a matter of securing the post-production financing and the fact we weren’t going to release the film until it was polished and ready,” Kier continued. Gotta respect a team who can wait that freakin’ long to make sure we get the best looking film posssible.

To make things easier on them time-wise, all of Death’s Door was shot in a TV studio; fitting since the film is about a psychic who does a live reading on TV and accidentally unleashes the forces of hell. ”While it wasn’t cheap, it gave us a controlled environment we could use 24 hours a day, provided us with offices, makeup rooms, wardrobe space, kitchen facilities and parking.” Now those are some luxuries most indie only hope for. I guess it all comes down to making the right kind of horror film; “By writing a script that deals with the making of a TV show, we made the studio itself a set, saving us time and money. The sets we did build were cleverly arranged in the sound stage so that the unfinished ‘construction’ sides could be used as backdrops for various scenes.”

There’s still no word on when or how Death’s Door will be distributed, but since they’ve got a nice hype ball rolling thanks to the trailer, I’m sure we’ll be hearing more from them soon enough.

Johnny Butane

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