Tripper Pics Arise

You may recall our mention of David Arquette’s directorial debut, The Tripper, during our coverage of Comic Con. Though there was nothing to show from the film, Arquette and crew (which included Steve Niles, among others) talked it up well, and I’ve been waiting for more stuff to show up from it since then.
Today it has, located over on the MySpace page for the film in the form of a whole slew of stills and some behind-the-scenes shots. Though all those pics are pretty cool, I was far more impressed by the artwork you see to the right, done by badass comic artist Nat Jones. Now that’s what I want to see in a movie poster though I doubt it’s what they’ll use.
The Tripper revolves around a group of kids who are hunted by a killer obsessed with Ronald Regan. Though I’m sure there’s more to it than that, what more could you want to know to see it? How about the fact that Thomas Jane (The Punisher), Jason Mewes (all the View Askew flicks), Lukas Hass (Long Time Dead), and Balthazar Getty (Feast) all star in it? Good. Now get your ass over to the MySpace link above, and check out those pics!
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