Tim Burton Talks Beetlejuice … Beetlejuice … Beetlejuice!

Is Beetlejuice joining the annoying ranks of such film projects as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Ghostbusters 3? It’s sure starting to feel that way. At least today we get to hear from the director himself.
In an interview with MTV, Tim Burton dropped the following on fans hoping for the return of the ghost with the most:
“Yes,” Burton stated when asked if he’d consider doing another Beetlejuice. “I love that character, and Michael [Keaton] is so great in it. I always think about how great and fun that character was, so I just said to [Vampire Hunter writer] Seth [Grahame-Smith], “If you have some idea about it, go for it, and then I’ll look at it freshly.” In the past I tried some things, but that was way back when. He seemed really excited about it.” In speaking of whether or not Seth’s run any ideas by Burton yet, he explained, “No. I told him to try some stuff, but he hasn’t come back to me yet. Michael was so great in it. I’m sure he’d strangely tap right back into it.”
More as it comes.

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