Official Trailer Now Online for Loup’Rah Garomore’s The Demon’s Rook

If you’re going to make a monster movie, you’d better have a damn good monster to drive the thing. Loup’Rah Garomore is a man who can provide those monsters for you. Garomore is currently up to his elbows in a film he’s written, directed, producing, stars in and done a ton of the effects for, entitled The Demon’s Rook. Needless to say, this is a guy who can get things done.
You’ve got to check out the trailer below and dig the incredible creatures created by Garomore and his F/X team. Now these are what demons should look like! Bloody, snotty and just vile looking. A job well done!
Aside from Garomore, The Demon’s Rook stars John Chatham, Dustin Dorough, Josh Gould, Sade’ Smith and Ashleigh Sizemore. Other key crew members were assistant director Tim Reis, second assistant director/co-writer Akom Tidwell and F/X expert Ashleigh Sizemore. Visit the official The Demon’s Rook website and The Demon’s Rook Facebook page for the latest info.
Thanks to DC reader Avery G for the heads-up!
A young boy named Roscoe finds a portal to another world where he is taught magic by an elder demon known as Dimwos. Dimwos raises the boy into manhood, revealing to him many secrets, though there is one dark secret that Dimwos keeps from Roscoe. When Roscoe discovers what his master has been keeping from him all these years, he revolts against him, inadvertently unleashing three malevolent demons. Through desperation Roscoe is forced to escape the demons’ wrath by way of the portal leading back to our world. Unbeknownst to Roscoe, he leads the demons to discover the portal for themselves. Once the demons pass through, a nightmarish foray of summoned monsters is unleashed. One demon possesses the minds and wills of all whom she crosses, another transforms a man into a murderous beast, and the other summons an army of the dead to do his bidding.

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