Another Web Series Vies for Your Attention: Blood and Bone China

Blood and Bone China’s YouTube Channel
Another new web series crossed our path recently, and because yours truly is such a sucker for anything vampire-related, I thought I’d pass on the info. Blood and Bone China, from the UK, is a 12-part Victorian vampire web drama series, created and directed by award-winning Stoke-on-Trent based filmmaker Chris Stone and starring TV’s Rachel Shenton as Anna Fitzgerald.
It is 1897, and a city is in turmoil. In the smoky, dirty depths of middle England, the people are terrified. The once bustling streets of Stoke are empty, the silence broken only by the whispers of devils, demons, and vampires. Poor souls are being taken, vanishing without a trace.
When the local doctor is snatched away, word travels to his brother, a young vet by the name of Newlyn Howell. Spurred on to discover the truth by the enigmatic Alexander Pyre, Newlyn’s dark adventure into the depths of Victorian Stoke begins… and what he discovers is beyond belief.
Along with Shenton the cast includes Anthony Miles and John James Woodward.
Check out a few images, the trailer, and the first couple of episodes below; and for more visit the official Blood and Bone China website, “like” Blood and Bone China on Facebook, and follow Blood and Bone China on Twitter.

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