Throwing Stones Joins the ‘Club’

Did you ever wonder if the guy who thought up the one-sheet for The Breakfast Club could have imagined that even decades later people would still be emulating the classic “sitting around” setting for their own projects?
With an entertaining cast and promotion by MTV, Throwing Stones looks like it’s on the right track to continued success. You can check out their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter @stoneswebseries. The series is loosely based on a feature length screenplay of the same name by writers Bart D. Van Bemmel and Jason A. Wheeler. For more info visit the official Throwing Stones website.
To tide you over until January 3rd, we’ve got the one-sheet and trailer below! Check them out!
From the Press Release
Throwing Stones, the teen horror drama about students sent to Saturday School to learn a lesson, has become one of the most watched series on the Internet ever since MTV producers fell in love with it and began posting episodes on their Facebook pages. The series was always designed to have multiple seasons to follow.
Where the first season was about getting to know the students at Blair High while focusing more on the psychological elements, the second season moves into full slasher mode. After finally coming together to overcome their differences, the students of Blair High are violently separated and forced to follow Mr. Beckett’s new set of rules. One by one he challenges each student’s will to live as he pushes his Broken Window Theory to the test. Their objective is to survive.
Popular indie horror director Jon Keeyes (Suburban Nightmare, American Nightmare) came on to direct the second season, which stars Chad Cox (Powder, The Good Guys), Cherami Leigh (Fast Food Nation, HBO’s “Temple Grandin”), Rebekah Kennedy (Creature, Season of the Witch), Lindsay Seidel (The Final), Bryan Massey (Mad Money, Boggy Creek), Kayla Carlyle (From the Dark), Lynn Andrews (“MTV’s: High School Stories,” The Ghost of Goodnight Lane), Spencer Harlan (the upcoming Drive-In Massacre) and other up-and-comers. Syfy’s second season of Face/Off will also have Henry Henry as one of its contestants, a special F/X make-up artist on Throwing Stones.
Once the series launches on Tuesday, January 3, 2012 – you will be able to watch, 24-hours a day and for free, on the following networks or on their home page. Several episodes will be released over the period of (4) weeks:
Throwing Stones Episode Release Schedule

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