PLANET OF THE APES May Survive Disney’s Acquisition of 20th Century Fox

With Disney’s pending acquisition of 20th Century Fox, the fate of many R-rated franchises remains nebulous. Series like Alien, Predator, Deadpool, and Die Hard are all sort of dangling in the wind at the moment, with everyone hoping that the House of Mouse will create a new avenue for properties like these (though nothing official has been announced).

There may be one horror-adjacent franchise likely to survive the merger: Planet of the Apes. Our friends at Movie Hole have heard some murmurs that executives at Disney are itching to reboot the series, especially since Matt Reeves’ War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) brought Fox’s trilogy to a natural conclusion.

“Disney [will] have a clean slate when it comes to the legendary franchise initiated by Franklin J. Schaffner in 1968. Have heard they’re quite keen to do another Planet of the Apes but whether that’s a remake or even a sequel to War, who knows? Guess they’ll shuffle in a horde of writers to pitch their different ideas and go from there.”

I’ve always been a huge fan of the Planet of the Apes movies, as are, I believe, many horror fans who came of age in the 1980s. Heck, I even found Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes mightily entertaining. What do you guys think of Disney continuing the Planet of the Apes saga? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!



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