Friday Night Monsters!


FNF Presents Monster Squad (click for a better look!)We’ve told you about the last few Friday Night Frights, which go down at The Movie Tavern in Denton, TX, but this is really the biggest and coolest on yet.

We just got word from the organizers that on Friday, September 8th, they will be showing a print of Fred Dekker’s masterful monster mayhem masterpiece, The Monster Squad! As if that weren’t cool enough, they’ve also got Andre Gower, the leader of the Monster Squad, to show up and talk about the movie to those devoted cinephiles who make their way out to Friday Night Frights.

With all these screenings of The Monster Squad going down as of late, one would hope that the studios will take notice and finally get off their asses and start working on the long, long overdue Special Edition DVD release of it. Seriously, how long do we have to be doing this shit before someone finally puts the damn thing out?

Anyway, check out the Friday Night Frights’ MySpace page for more info on the show including directions, tickets, and the nearest brothel. Just kidding on the last one; wanted to be sure you were paying attention.

Johnny Butane

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