Talking Baby is the Most Twisted Part of NSFW Red Band Trailer for PIERCING

In 2016, Nicolas Pesce burst onto the horror scene in a major way with his debut feature film, The Eyes of My Mother. It was a brutal, spartan meditation on abuse, isolation, and the unbreakable bonds between parents and children. Those who expected Pesce’s sophomore outing to tread similar pathways were shocked in the best possible way by Piercing, a psycho-sexual horror comedy that’s unlike anything you’ve seen before.

While the premise sounds sufficiently abysmal, the tone of Piercing is a complete 180 from the ultra-serious, nihilistic tone of The Eyes of My Mother. While no less brutal at its worst (or best) the entire story unfolds in a way that will hook you fast and keep you enthralled until the very end. Look for Piercing to receive a limited theatrical release beginning February 1st, 2019.

A man kisses his wife and baby goodbye and seemingly heads away on business, with a plan to check into a hotel, call an escort service, and kill an unsuspecting prostitute.

In addition to directing, Pesce penned the screenplay for Piercing, which is based on the novel of the same name by Ryû Murakami; the film stars Christopher Abbott, Mia Wasikowska, and Laia Costa.

Did you catch Piercing at any festivals in 2018? Are you looking forward to checking it out in February? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!



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