Interactive Map from Holiday Cottages Directs You to the World’s Spookiest Monsters

Interactive maps of haunted houses and paranormal locations are a dime a dozen, but the folks at Holiday Cottages have put together something truly unique. It’s a map of the spookiest myths and most terrifying monsters from around the world. It’s perfect for vacation-seekers looking for a more macabre vacation away from home!

From Russia’s ‘Koschei the Deathless’ to the creepy Spectral Army of the Lake District, to Anansi the spider god of Ghana,’s map includes the supernatural, the unexplained, traditional folktales and creatures long believed extinct.”

Click on the map HERE, then choose a location or icon that looks especially interesting to you. You’ll get detailed information about the location and its associated beastie! Want to relax with the Hawaiian Night Marchers? Toss a few back with Jaguar: The God of Fire? Party with some Cornish Pirates? Holiday Cottages has got you covered.

In all seriousness, Holiday Cottages is a great tool for UK-based horror fans on the go. Check them out before planning your next getaway.

What do you think of Holiday Cottage’s interactive map of fantastic folklore and magical myths? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!



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