NSFW Red Band Trailer for Sexually-Charged DISPOSITION

We’ve been following the production of Eric Thirteen’s controversial short shocker Disposition since he sent us some incredible images last year. Now, on the eve of the film’s debut at the Highland Park Film Festival on October 5th, we’ve gotten our first peek at Disposition in the form of a nerve-shredding red band trailer.
Here’s what Thirteen told us last year:
“I partnered with Sheila Mia Seifi – she designs crazy gruesome effects. We’ve talked about how recent horror has had outstanding FX work but often used to comedic ends. We wanted to swing the other direction. See how modern ultra-violence can enhance a serious 70s-style slow burn. Splat pack meets Roman Polanski.”
Thirteen’s past projects include working as a producer of Dread Central Presents’ Director’s Cut, which recently arrived on Blu-ray/DVD and VOD. You can read the synopsis and give the NSFW trailer a spin below. Also, keep up on Disposition and get information on additional upcoming screenings on the film’s official website, HERE.
In Disposition, a quiet girl (Sara Malakul Lane, Sun Choke, Beyond the Gates) finds herself literally stalked by her own darkness. As she struggles with medication and coping with depression, she finds herself constantly envisioning her own violent suicide.
What do you think of the red band trailer for Disposition? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!