Exclusive Preview: DEATHBED #6

The big finale of DC and Vertigo’s hit comic series Deathbed hits shelves next week. And today we’re excited to share an exclusive preview of Deathbed #6.
Antonio Luna has taken Valentine Richards on the adventure of a lifetime—Luna’s, to be specific—and now Luna must decide if his final act on this plane of existence will be revenge, or if he wants to give his life a happy ending.
You can check out the cover to the right and some interior pages below and then make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!
Deathbed #6 hits stores July 18th.
This is it. The end of your life. As you lie in your deathbed, staring into the distance, you may wonder how you could have lived your life differently. If you had the chance to do it all again, who would you have told you loved them? What could you have apologized for? How would you like it to end? Antonio Luna has taken Valentine Richards on the adventure of a lifetime—Luna’s, to be specific—and now Luna must decide if his final act on this plane of existence will be revenge, or if he wants to give his life a happy ending.