Sandweiss & Campbell Divorce


My Name is BruceIn a recent chat with one of the gooey denizens of Fangoria, former Evil Dead star Ellen Sandweiss made mention of a role she just finished up for her Dead co-star Bruce Campbell, that of his ex-wife in the highly anticipated My Name is Bruce.

She describes her role as a cameo more than anything else but did mention that “Once they cast me in the role, they changed the name of the character to Cheryl, which was pretty cute.” For those of you out of the loop on this, My Name is Bruce is a new film in which Bruce plays an even more self-mocking version of himself, called in by a small town overrun by demons who can’t figure out that he’s not actually Ash. “He didn’t write it, but he pretty much did everything else—produced, directed and starred—and it just wrapped shooting a couple of weeks ago… it is very funny,” Sandweiss told the site.

With shooting having just wrapped, I expect it’ll be a bit before we hear anything solid on when the film will be out; personally I’m just glad it was made because I love the idea and have ever since it was first brought up. More as we learn it!

Johnny Butane

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Hope she gets a shovel in the head in our forums!



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