Moon Over Halloween


Sheri Moon Zombie in Halloween remakeI know it’s going to be a shock to you all; in fact maybe you should make sure you’re sitting down before you read this… not that I suspect many people come to the site standing up. In fact, you might want to have someone else read this to you, just to dull the blunt impact.

Okay, are you ready? Sheri Moon Zombie is going to be in Rob Zombie’s Halloween redux. I’ll go ahead and let that sink in…

Anyway, in one of the most unsurprising bits of news to hit the ‘net since it was revealed that Lance Bass is, indeed, gay, Zombie’s wife has confirmed on her official site that she will have a part in the movie, and the only thing she would say for sure is that she’s not playing the Laurie Strode character. That statement alone could be loaded, however, since Rob’s hinted that the main characters’ names will all be different anyway, so she could still be in place for the lead. Though we can hope not…

It’d be easier to take the girl seriously as a thespian if anyone other than her husband cast her, don’t you think? Not that I mind her doing her thing on the big screen again; I just hope she, along with the rest of the film, will be working from a more serious angle this time out.

Johnny Butane

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