Norkio Wants You For Dinner


Click to see it larger!As mentioned in a previous story, it’s recently been confirmed that writer/director Shion Sono’s 2005 feature Noriko’s Dinner Table is in fact a sequel of sorts to Suicide Circle and Twitch’s keen eye found a second trailer at the film’s official website for your viewing pleasure.

Seeing as how this isn’t a direct sequel and judging from the synopsis, Noriko’s Dinner Table doesn’t seem like it’ll be nearly as esoteric as Suicide Circle although the synopsis sounds equally unusual:

Involving a young, disenchanted girl, NDT deals with her discontent over family life and eventual withdrawal as she runs away to Tokyo and meets up with an online friend. This internet pal happens to run a group called Family Circle. What’s their pleasure?

Click to see it larger!Family “rentals”. That’s right, lonely citizens who need companionship can contact Family Circle and arrange for the services of a surrogate family. Sounds like a tale that’s just ripe for tragedy…

Having recently garnered both the Best Actress and Citizen’s Choice awards at the 2006 Puchon International Film Festival, the film debuts in Japan this September courtesy of Argo Pictures K.K.

Michelle Lee

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