John Skipp Talks Hollywood Craziness in Same Shit, DIfferent Show

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With the weekend being close enough to taste, our own Buz Wallick’s Same Shit, Different Show is quickly becoming a ritualistic Thursday night listen. Crack a beer, sit back, and relax because there’s a lot of genre stuff that needs dissecting!

From Buz’s site: Today’s guest is the always fascinating John Skipp, co-author of The Bridge, The Light at the End, and Book of the Dead among other excellent titles. He’s also the screenwriter behind Nightmare on Elm Street 5 and is currently putting together his directorial debut ROSE.

This episode is definitely a long one, but it was just too cool of a convo to cut out what I left in … and trust me I cut some pretty good stuff.

Head on over to Buz’s Same Shit, Different Show website (that’s .biz, fyi) and dig it. These are really good thus far, and Buz is just getting started. We’re certainly looking forward to what upcoming weeks will bring, and whatever that may be, you know you’ll always be entertained.

Same Shit Different Show Trailer from Buz Wallick on Vimeo.

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