Species 4 Awakening Soon

I have to ask: Does the Species franchise really have a big enough following to continue warranting sequels? The first film was hardly great, and its theatrically released follow-up was bad beyond belief. I’ve only bothered with about ten minutes of the third one that went straight to DVD and the Sci-Fi Channel. Are there really Species fans out there clamoring for more? I mean it’s pretty much the same formula over and over.
Beautiful young woman…
Alien DNA…
On the loose/run…
Turns into an HR Giger monster…
People die…
MGM/UA must be making some decent mint on these films since a fourth installment, Species: The Awakening, is coming very soon.
“When brilliant college professor Miranda Hollander suffers a mysterious blackout, and awakens amid the bloody aftermath of a mass slaughter, she turns to her uncle for answers. But when he reveals the shocking truth…that she’s only half human, a clone from a hybrid of human and alien DNA, they must flee to Mexico to locate the scientist who created her. Soon they find themselves locked in battle with a horde of rampaging, unstoppable hybrids…and time is running out before Miranda will inevitably surrender to the killer instinct that lurks inside her own body!”
That chick on the artwork (courtesy of DVD Empire) is lead actress Helena Mattson. As you can see, by being both hot and blonde, she easily fills the criteria for playing the lead in a Species movie. But her character is also supposed to be a brilliant college professor even though she only looks to be of college age herself? Guess we’ll have to chalk that one up to her alien DNA.
As with the previous installment, the DVD release will be preceded by a Sci-Fi Channel premiere. Species: The Awakening awakens on the Sci-Fi Channel on Saturday night, September 29th, and then (3 whopping days later!) the unrated version (AKA “the version with the nudity not cut out”) will hit DVD shelves on October 2nd. That same day MGM/UA will release a special edition DVD of the original featuring new commentary tracks and behind-the-scenes featurettes.
You can check out a trailer for Species: The Awakening on YouTube. It… It pretty much looks like a Species sequel:
Beautiful woman…
Alien DNA…
On the loose/run…
Turns into an HR Giger monster…
People die…
Oh, and speaking of franchises that have overstayed their welcome – Highlander: The Source, the latest sequel in that franchise that actually trumps Highlander 2: The Quickening in the crap department (Don’t believe me? Click here), will also premiere on the Sci-Fi Channel on September 15th. If nothing else, at least the new Species sequel is guaranteed to be the best sequel debuting on Sci-Fi that month.
Now where’s that sequel to Bats the Sci-Fi Channel is supposed to premiere?
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