Smith’s Horror Confirmed
Though it was announced, and we showed you the video of the man himself saying it here, we were all still a bit wary as to whether or not Kevin Smith was serious when he said he’d be doing a horror movie next to the crowd at Wizard World Chicago. It seems that, for once, are fears were unfounded.
“It’ll be pretty different from anything else I’ve done thus far – that much I can tell you,” Smith posted on his site about the flick. “There may be a few chuckles in it along the way, but it won’t be comedy-horror. It’ll be chills and gore.”
Check out the full semi-official confirmation over at Kevin’s official site, which will likely be the best place to keep your eyeballs glued to for any and all updates on the project, though we’re going to do our damndest to stay on top of it. Smith said he doesn’t plan on seeing the film released for about two more years, so we’ve got lots of time to dig!
And since we’re talking horror, click here to check out Kevin Smith on IFC’s “Henry Rollins Show”. Not that it’s a bad interview, but Rollins appears in Wrong Turn 2 you see, so there’s the connection. Don’t question it; just click.
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