Do We Need Christian Horror?


Dudleytown, CT gets a seriesOkay, this wins for “strangest story I’ve ever written”.

Variety is reporting this morning that a Christian company called Good News Holdings has not only signed a deal to publish a Biblical epic from Gothic novelist Anne Rice (not really noteworthy because who cares what Anne Rice is doing nowadays?), but they’ve also created a horror franchise.

Good News has teamed with Tyndale House Publishers, an Illinois- based publishing house who specialize in Bibles, to create a series of films and books called Dudleytown based around the titular Connecticut town that was deserted years ago after a series of murders. A private group now owns the land and has closed it off to the public with “No Trespassing” signs all around. More info on the real town is here, if you’re interested.

The first book/movie will be called Dudleytown: Voice, both of which will be written by Bodie Ingelvie, and will be the reputed journal of a 17-year old resident of the town. Since Good News is a Christian company, does this mean we’re going to see the first ever Chrstian horror franchise, or are they just doing it to make a buck off of us unsuspecting fans? To be honest, I almost hope it’s the latter; the last thing I need is a preachy horror series.

Johnny Butane

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