DreadVision Presents Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness in November

That’s right, kiddies… it’s November. That means it’s time for another installment of DreadVision at the Alamo Drafthouse in Richardson, TX!
This month we’re proud to present the 30th anniversary screening of John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness! 1987 Was a good year for movies, folks; and this gives us a great excuse to keep bringing masterpieces from that year to your eyeballs.
As always, tickets are dirt cheap on T.A.C.O. Tuesdays at the Drafthouse (Tickets Are Cheap On Tuesdays), and they’ll have their special menu of tacos available to enjoy during the film! I’ll also have a maniacal challenge for a couple of brave souls who wish to compete for a Box of Dread. Will we see a reappearance of the Shit Fairy from last month? No! Don’t hold that against it, though, as lovers of rock and roll should appreciate it.
The show will be in the usual timeslot on the second Tuesday of the month (that’s the 14th for this month, for those of you in Pleasant Hill) at 9pm. Tickets are available now at the Drafthouse website.