Next Alien Film Will Focus More On Michael Fassbender & A.I. Than Aliens & Xenomorphs

One of this year’s biggest disappointments was Ridley Scott’s Alien: Covenant. While not a terrible film by any means, as both a prequel to Alien and a sequel to Prometheus, the film failed to live up as a solid entry in either storyline.
That said, we are still looking forward to the next entry in the Alien saga, which director Ridley Scott is still planning to helm in the near future.
Speaking of which, recently Scott talked with The Empire Film Podcast and dropped new info on the possible next entry. Mainly that the next film will focus more on the A.I. of the Alien universe than the xenomorphs.
“I think the evolution of the Alien himself is nearly over,” Scott says. “But what I was trying to do was transcend and move to another story, which would be taken over by A.I.’s. The world that the AI might create as a leader if he finds himself onto a new planet. We have actually quite a big layout for the next one.”
The “A.I.” in question is no doubt Michael Fassbender’s David. And that is as it should be. Fassbender has been the most captivating element of the franchise in quite a while. I say give us three Fassbenders (or more) in the next film!