#SDCC17: Ride to Derry on the IT-Themed FLOAT: A Cinematic VR Experience


One of the COOLEST things we did this year at the San Diego Comic-Con was checking out the IT-themed FLOAT: A Cinematic VR Experience in the offsite fun zone across from Petco Park.

Even cooler? If you’re in SD, you can check it out without having to be a Comic-Con badgeholder!

While we couldn’t film inside the bus, we’ll describe the goods below. In the interim check out the eye candy!

The are two stages for this experience… a holding area and then the seats in which you experience this VR marvel…

Once in the bus for Stage 1, we found ourselves standing above the sewer, complete with creepy mist, Pennywise taunting us, and a video screen floor which simulates standing water with all manner of creepy junk floating in it.

Before us were two doors with the words WATCH YOUR HEAD scrawled above it. This set the mood perfectly for what was to come.

Once we strapped on the headset and earphones, the video started; and we followed the S.S. Georgie to the sewer entrance, where we first meet the evil of Pennywise. From there we’re ushered through a fully rendered and ULTRA spooky sewer set, where Georgie himself makes an appearance.

We follow him, and along the way we’re visually assaulted by everyone’s favorite demon clown before floating upward on a bevy of red balloons before they all pop under and around us, leaving the participant to freefall down and… well… you’ll just have to see for yourself!

The attraction is open until Sunday, July 23rd, and those who are brave enough should make it their business to hop on the creepiest school bus in town: The IT-inspired virtual reality installation. The bus housing FLOAT: A Cinematic VR Experience is located in the Interactive Zone across from Petco Park. Branded content and VR studio SunnyBoy Entertainment helmed the VR experience and has done an incredible job.

Come on down… If you dare.



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