Full Details on Coffin Joe’s Return!

Earlier today we reported on a bit of news that showed up over on Twitch about the return of the legendary Coffin Joe (aka Jose Mojica Marins) to film (read it here). Details were light at the time so we went digging and struck gold in the form of screenwriter Dennison Ramalho (“Love For Mother Only”).
The film is called The Embodiment of Evil and will be a direct sequel to Marins’ 1967 classic This Night I Will Possess Your Corpse. After 38 years of imprisonment, Coffin Joe is haunting the streets of San Paulo, still obsessed with the concept of rearing the perfect son by mating with a superior woman. Blocking his path to procreation will be a police colonel, the entire population of a local Favela (Brazilian slum), and a vengeful priest whose father was killed by Joe many years ago. Oh, and all of Joe’s past victims are returning from Hell to get their revenge on the man as well!
Initial speculation was unclear as to whether or not Marins would star or just direct, but Ramalho confirmed that, of course, he will be handling both duties (you can’t have Coffin Joe without… Coffin Joe, now can you?). Ramalho co-wrote the script with Marins, and he promises us, “It will be the most violent film of Mojica’s career… It has many gory, gory scenes and a journey into Purgatory!” How’s that for a comeback?
Financing has been handed down from the Federal Government of San Paulo, and Marins will be working with the biggest budget he’s ever had, so you can bet it’s going to look as glistening and gory as they can get! We’re going to be following this one very closely, so keep your eyeballs right here for the latest!
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