Todd McFarlane Gives an Update on His Spawn Script


Todd McFarlane seems pretty damn gung ho about directing his own Spawn live-action adaptation, a film that he says will be “…more into [the] horror/suspense/supernatural genre.” McFarlane also wants to make it as a lower-budget film, although I’m guessing it will still need at least a few million to get the tone and atmosphere right.

Plus, no matter how the script is written, there are going to be CGI/practical FX-heavy scenes required. That’s simply the nature of Spawn.

The last update we heard was about two months ago, which you can read by clicking the above link. However, McFarlane decided to give another update this past week, this time about the script and the work he’s done to trim it down. He explains that with a typical Hollywood script, one page is equivalent to one minute of screen time. Since his original script was over 180 pages, that would’ve made for an over three-hour film, which is a rarity, especially when it comes to genre fare. Since then, he’s whittled it down to less than 140 pages and plans on taking it down even further to aim for a two-hour runtime.

The tighter McFarlane can get his script, the more likely it is that he’ll be able to secure funding. For now, all we can do is wait and hope that the stars align!



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