Zombie Clears Up Music Rumors


Last week Halloween and Rob Zombie fans alike were all abuzz when a new version of the classic Halloween music was found over on long time Zombie collaborator Tyler Bates’ site. Had the theme for Zombie’s take on Halloween already been done, more than year before the film’s release?

Nope! “When I went into a meeting with the Weinsteins six months ago, Bates and I threw together this little score piece,” the rock star told Fangoria. “So we whipped that up just to play for them. We hardly spent any time on it, and that’s why I didn’t want it to get out there as this new official music. It was just a really super-rough demo to play for Malek Akkad and the Weinsteins so they could get some idea of what I’m going for—because it’s really hard to describe music, and it was easier to play them something than just talking in the air.”

So there you go, boys and girls. New Halloween music: not yet. If you were smart and downloaded it from Bates’ site, however, you can still keep it and compare it to whatever the duo do end up coming up with before October of next year because Bates has since taken it down to prevent further confusion.

Zombie also mentioned to Fangoria that he’d love to film exteriors in an actual town in the Midwest, as opposed to having Pasadena sit in for it like Carpenter had to do. Being from the Midwest myself, I have to admit it’d be pretty cool if he did it!

Johnny Butane

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