First Stills: Bill Moseley, Dee Wallace, and Stephen McHattie Exit Humanity

We just got our hands on a fine group of stills from the next zombie film coming from Foresight Features, Exit Humanity, and in them you’ll see lots of familiar faces as well as some badass members of the living dead!
The flick, directed by John Geddes and produced by Matt Wiele, stars Bill Moseley, Dee Wallace, Stephen McHattie, and Mark Gibson. The film just wrapped so details are kind of scarce, but we can tell you that Exit Humanity tells the story of a young man’s struggle to survive in the aftermath of a deadly undead outbreak during the American Civil War.
Sound nifty? Of course it does! War and zombies go together like flesh and blood! Like gore and grue! Like … oh hell, you get the point. Dig on the first images below, and look for more on this film very, very soon!

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