First Man of Day

Wow, who knew Ving Rhames had such a thing against zombies? I mean sure, he kicked a lot of ass in the Dawn of the Dead remake, but usually when a star of his caliber goes up against the undead one time, that’s enough.
Not for the Rhames, though, no sir. Bloody Disgusting got the exclusive scoop today that Ving will also be appearing in Steve Miner’s upcoming remake of Day of the Dead, and that he’s been cast specifically to link Dawn and Day together. Does that mean he’ll play the same character, somehow surviving the onslaught of zombies at the end of Dawn, or is it just the face and name they want?
I guess we’ll find out pretty soon as Miner will be getting behind the camera in the next few months to make this possible travesty come to life. Though Day is still my favorite of the series, mainly because of the incredibly strong characters within it, it’s easy to see why they would focus on it for the next remake. Here’s hoping they get as lucky as the team behind the new Dawn did!
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