Listen Up! #SaveDreadCentral Update #2

If you guys want us to be around for the days and months to come, then the time to act is now. Simply put, we are running out of time. Should we not get our Patreon up to about 6k by March, then we’ll be shutting our doors for good unless some miracle happens or someone steps in to acquire us.
The clock is ticking. This is not a joke or a false alarm. The situation is grave. 10’s of 1,000’s of people read this site each day; yet, only a small fraction of readers have stepped up thus far. If you think you don’t have to do it because someone else surely will, you’re wrong. Nothing happens without community support so we’re asking our community, again, to please save us. If you fight, we’ll fight; but we cannot make it without YOU!
Since we launched our Patreon initiative a few weeks ago, we’ve managed to raise about one third of the budget we need to keep Dread Central indie with no one to answer to but ourselves… and YOU.
Check out this latest video from filmmaker B. Harrison Smith, who took it upon himself to get the message out there.
This is a history-making endeavor, guys. If you kick in, you can help us collectively change everything. There was a great article in The Hollywood Reporter regarding why what WE – meaning YOU and US – are doing together is revolutionary and important.
Those of you who have chipped in, we encourage you to talk about the ad-free experience below in our comments section. This can and will show people we mean business about doing exactly what we say… giving you guys the horror site and content that YOU want. All we’re really asking for is 4 cents a day. 1 dollar a month. 12 dollars a year. What will that get you right out of the gate?
For just $1.00 a month you get:
- Automatic contest entries to all Dread Central contests
- A special thank you on the Dread Central Patron Wall
- Exclusive news before it posts to the main Dread Central site
- Random chances to win free prizes just for being a patron!
Patreon accepts all major credit cards, as well as Paypal and one-time donations (though we prefer sustaining donations to keep us going), and all international currency so you can help from ANYWHERE in the world! This is historic, folks. If we can come together and make this work, we are effectively changing the game for not just us, but for everyone! Be a part of doing something special! If you can’t afford to subscribe, just please keep sharing the url. It WILL reach people.
Signed up? Have an account? Start by visiting the log in page HERE!
If you have a previously existing account with, your Patreon account must use the same email address in order to be connected properly.
PLEASE, IF YOU CAN FIND IT IN YOUR HEARTS… #SaveDreadCentral and show your support!