No Trace to Bring Us POV Horror in 3D?

Here’s one that should have plenty of people riled up simply by its style of filmmaking. Ever since found footage movies have begun to get popular, there’s been one thing that people always complain about … shaky-cam. Now imagine said shaky-cam in 3D! We can almost hear the retching of weak-stomached viewers now!
As per the The Sacramento Bee:
A Folsom movie studio is casting itself as a film technology trailblazer.
Silverado Studios later this year will start shooting a horror flick using the Point-Of-View style that has actors holding cameras and chronicling the action documentary style, as in “Blair Witch Project” and “Paranormal Activity.”
Silverado’s trailblazing wrinkle? It’s filming in 3D.
“This is something that’s literally never been done before” in a POV film, says Torrey Loomis, Silverado’s founder.
Loomis and his associates have figured out a way to attach three small cameras on helmets to be worn by actors and, for about $4,000 per rig, create quality 3D footage that normally requires heavy cameras costing up to a half-million dollars each.
The vehicle for all this is “No Trace,” a screenplay by Sacramento real estate guy (and movie-maker) Chad Cruchley.
“It’s a creature feature,” Cruchley says of the film. A group of researchers investigate an anomaly in a national forest and “come to find out there’s a monster there,” he says.
Ambitious idea? Yes! Good idea? Tell us what you think below!
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